Note: For Business Entity (non-agent), you may check this guide
The video provides the following guide about the BASIC of the Company Tax Return (using Financial import from 'QuickBooks Online')
- Preparation of Company Tax Return
- Company Tax Return via 'QuickBooks Online'
- Company Tax Return Excel Import
- Working with imported accounting information (via Quickbooks) Note: If you have no accounting software, you can use our excel template and import it directly to Lodgeit. Learn more
- Making changes to classifications
- Handling taxable interest
- Handling taxable dividends
- Handling taxable trust income
- Handling taxable partnership income
- Handling taxable capital gains
- Treatment of accounting vs. tax depreciation
- Treatment of superanuation payable
- Treatment of addbacks i.e. entertainment / Understanding Reconciliation
- Handling "Account" map and tag
- Handling Company Tax Rates for small business entities
- To learn more about how to fill this tax return, please review the detailed ATO instruction set. Company Tax Return Instructions
Walk through about lodging a company tax return, click HERE
Checkout some of our Help guide:
Preparation of Company "Financial Reports"
Form Workflow Sequence and E-signature
How to see Lodged form/Lodgement receipt
ATO Company Tax Return Instruction Guide
The Basic Process
To work with a company tax return, first, ensure that all the necessary information about the company has been added to LodgeiT via "Settings"if you fail to do this, you will encounter a range of difficulties.
Then you can proceed to adding a form-
Select Form
Add Form
Select the Year to Fill.
Note that we have changed the design for the form from 2017 onward.
"Lodgement Date" is automatic date from ATO, but you can also manage to change it if necessary.
Assuming you've imported your accounts and classified them, the relevant sections of the form should be activated for use. If you need to activate other sectors for manual fill, select them and then push Continue to initiate the task of completing the form.
Note: LodgeiT System is an SBR System with SBR dependencies. (LodgeiT uses SBR validation & prefill functions)
After working on the form (form has been started), and you may need to enable specific reporting sections. This can be done through the 4-little square (manage section)
Check Form status via "Dashboard" .
Click here to learn more about Form Sequence