If you activate the automated activity statement collection feature, then your activity statements should be collected and prefilled by the ATO in an automated fashion on each activity statement reporting cycle.
* Click here to learn about how to Import BAS Values from 'QuickBooks Online'
From Forms, select Add Form.
Select the form OR Pull
Tick the button, Create & Prefill.
"Entity Details" - for Activity Statements, LodgeiT fills whatever you have via the ATO (ie email, phone, address). If you need to change the information, you may update via ATO portal only.
Fill the relevant details
Validate the form to ensure no errors exist.
Choose to either send for e Signature or print if you are a tax or BAS Agent. For business owners, simply "Sign".
Adding e-signatory (person who receives the e-signature request), should be updated via the Primary Signatory's "Settings" > "Contact Details".
The "Primary Contact/Signatory" is the person who receives and signs the form. Learn more HERE
Once the form has been signed you can now proceed with lodge
Or alternatively, you can batch lodge via the Dashboard.
- ATO will initiate and publish the BAS If client is eligible.
- BAS Amendments should work IF the original BAS is in LodgeiT AND there are no values at PAYGI.
- LodgeiT automatically pulls in the background both lodged and new activity statements for every agent's client every 3 days.
- Forms automatically pull from ATO by LodgeiT on following conditions:
- Agent firm in LodgeiT has active subscription + has credentials filled (TAN, ABN/TFN)
- Agent's client in LodgeiT is active (not archived) + has credentials filled (ABN/TFN)
- In Client's "Setting" in LodgeiT, the checkbox "Pull activity statements" has to be ticked
- To get a BAS into LodgeiT not originally prepared in LodgeiT use the GST Analyser to 'call' the missing BAS.
- If you are an intermediary (Tax or BAS Agent) you may want to turn off your responsibility for a form if your client is handling the lodgement .
- New BAS are automatically loaded as soon as they produced (pulling of outstanding obligations ONCE in 5-7 days), However if you have a new client that has outstanding AS not showing in LodgeIT, just add a new AS form and the software will search for unlodged files. If there is none, it will synchronise the lodged files to the client in the background.
- Why is there a difference between the imported figures in LodgeiT and QuickBooks BAS? Click here to learn more
Click here for related guide:
- Activity Statement preloaded from ATO
- how to Bulk Import of BAS/IAS
- Collecting AS - not showing in LodegiT
- Access to activity Statements Not Available
-Switch-OFF auto Produce Activity Statement
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