When preparing an Activity Statement, you will either import BAS data for a client who already has a 'QuickBooks Online' connection in LodgeiT or establish the connection during the import process.


Export from 'QuickBooks Online'

From 'QuickBooks Online'  page, through pressing "Export to LodgeiT" button (see below Video to learn more)

The video tackled a process of PUSH method.

Import from LodgeiT

From LodgeiT page

GST and PAYGW details can be easily imported into your BAS from QuickBooks Online. 

Below instruction shows how importing BAS data with an existing an connection-

1. Navigate to the client who you wish to import for. 

2. If the BAS is already created, you'll see the 'QuickBooks Online'  Logo.

If new connection,

Navigate to Settings Import, click connect to QuickBooks Online and follow the connection flow. 

For the client in LodgeiT not yet connected to 'QuickBooks Online' , follow the 'QuickBooks Online' Integration Instructions

3. Open your BAS via Forms and click QuickBooks button on the form's toolbar.

You have 2 options:

Tax Summary Report option includes all transactions and amendments that were made for a specific period. Even if the form was lodged, transactions that were added to this period will appear in this period and user should do the amendment of activity statement of this period. This approach implies the user does amendments of the activity statement. In this case GST are taken from 'QuickBooks Online'  transactions and PAYGW are taken from Journal Entries.

BAS report option includes only transactions that made for a specific period and the amended amounts fromthe  prior period. If the form was lodged and after that any other transactions were added (amendments) these values will appear in the NEXT period not in the current one. User should not do the amendment of this activity statement, instead this amended values will be included in next period original activity statement. This approach implies the user doesn't make amendments of activity statement, because all amended amounts go to the next not lodged original activity statement. This option is  to import GST and PAYGW values only from 'QuickBooks Online'  ledger

4. Once it's done, you can check imported data and Pre-Lodge the form.


- BAS values for the time frame EXCLUDING any bring-forward changes from prior periods. 

- Why is there a difference between the imported figures in LodgeiT and Quickbooks BAS? Click here to learn more