The reconciliation section of a tax return allows the accounting income to be reconciled to the taxable income. The reason for this is that certain income items may not be assessable or the amounts may differ. Similarly, with expenses, some accounting amounts may not be deductible or amounts may differ.
Small business depreciation isn’t imported for non-deductible expenses in case of SBE rules. User only needs to fill 10A in Depreciation tab and 6X in Proft&Loss. Learn more HERE
As per ATO rules if it's SBE, 6X must be equal to sum of item 10 A+B and there is no need for reconciliation.

Related Article:
- TRT and PTR: Small Business Entity (SBE) Item K: "Depreciation Expenses on Accounts" (simplified depreciation rules)
- TRT: Understanding the Reconciliation Section in Trust Tax Form (TRT)
- PTR: Understanding the Reconciliation Section - Partnership Tax Return (PTR)