LodgeiT relies on an import and classification exercise to populate Working Papers, the Tax Form and Special Purpose Financial Statements. 

 LodgeiT offers a direct .XLS import, user should extract the Profil&Loss and Balance sheet for the following accounting software, then import to LodgeiT.

For Reckon Accounts/Hosted Desktop version:

Use the method shown below to extract balance sheet & reports from both the current (reporting) and historical (comparative) years.

First, extract the balance sheet to Excel format. the exact report shown)

Be sure to line up the dates with the reporting period. For tax purposes, typically 01/07/20xx to 30/06/20xx. DO NOT modify any other filters. You MUST use Accruals.

Pay careful attention to which folder on your computer you save the file to. Use Desktop if in doubt.

Then extract the report.

Be sure to line up the dates with the reporting period. For tax purposes, typically 01/07/20xx to 30/06/20xx.

Pay careful attention to which folder on your computer you save the file to. Use Desktop if in doubt.

Now select the Financials menu item.

Select "Reckon Accounts".

Choose a pair for the year i.e balanceSheet.xls at 30/06/2016 and profitLoss.xls from 01/07/2015 to 30/06/2016. Then hit Upload. Repeat for the reporting year i.e balanceSheet.xls at 30/06/2017 and profitLoss.xls from 01/07/2016 to 30/06/2017.

Alternatively,  you may also use our LodgeiT Smart Excel Utility, and choose "Reckon Accounts". LEARN MORE