Question: How to distribute profit to beneficiaries in Trust Financial Statement?


1. Make sure to set up "Relationship" first. Learn more

2. Financial Report is dependent on how you have classified your financials. Make sure that the classification of your accounts mapped accordingly. Learn more

Note: You also can do split via "Chart of Accounts" or directly in Financial Report.

3. You have to manually input/add via Financial Report, either via ""Beneficiary Profit Allocation or "Beneficiary Profit Distribution Summary". Once you fill either of the 2, it will auto show to the other. 

From the above snip, we have classified Drawings as "Beneficiaries>Drawings", it will appear to Financial Report  as 

In this example, I prefer to split via Financial Report  rather than in chart of accounts. 

In "Beneficiary Profit Distribution Summary", select the "Opening balance/s" for the beneficiaries through the dropdown arrow.

Once you select from the dropdown option, figures will automatically show.

Note: if dropdown option is not showing the correct accounts, best to check on how you have classified your financials via "Settings" > "Chart of Accounts" tab and map it accordingly 

Related Article:

Preparing Financial Report for a Trust