Error: "Zero net income or an overall trust loss cannot be distributed."
Option 1
Open the beneficiary- "ie the individual" and distribute the amount inside of it.
Make sure to type in the "Percentage",it will auto distribute the amount.

Then, press "Validate" to check if the error still pops-up?
Option 2
Please try to choose "Manual" via distribution type. Then, add zero instead of negative amount.

Note, if the trust has an overall net taxable loss for the year, it cannot distribute losses to beneficiaries, as the capital losses are trapped in the trust and can only be carried forward to offset future capital gains. Remove any distribution from the Beneficiaries section and complete the 'Beneficiary Not Entitled"
Then, press "Validate" to check if the error still pops-up?
If both doesn't work
Please send us the following:
1. Copy of this form (via top right of the form, press the "Print" icon), this is for us support, to emulate and investigate
2. Printscreen of the page showing the error/issue
3. Page URL of this form (see below sample) , this is for our technical team for checking via back end